Hiking the Grand Canyon: South Rim to Plateau Point

3:49:00 PM 0 Comments

Yesterday we did a day hike into the Grand Canyon. Starting at the
Bright Angel Trailhead at 7:00am, we descended into the Canyon and
traveled past Indian Garden and to our final destination of Plateau
Point. At the point we got nice views of the Colorado River. Unlike
most other hikes, we started going down and finished going up. It
took us about 2 hours to go down 4.5 miles to Indian Garden, and a
short flat 1.5 miles more to the Plateau Point.

On our way back, we rested for a couple of hours at Indian Garden
which has plenty of water and shade. After the hot part of day was
past we started hiking back up at around 2:20pm. It took us about 3
hours to go up those 4.5 miles. There were water stations and
bathrooms every 1.5 miles which was definitely nice. More pictures
coming soon!

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.